Teresa has 4 flower pots in 4 different designs. How many different ways(positions) can she display her flowers?


or 4 times 4

Wouldn't the answer be 24. Lets use ABCD as the example. Here is all the possibilities if A was the first pot


6 outcomes for each pot equals 24 different patterns

To determine the number of different ways Teresa can display her flowers, we can use the concept of permutations, which is the arrangement of objects in a specific order.

Since Teresa has four flower pots in four different designs, each flower pot can be placed in one of the four positions.

The number of ways to arrange the first flower pot is 4, as there are 4 positions available.

For the second flower pot, there are now 3 positions remaining, as one has already been filled by the first flower pot.

Similarly, for the third flower pot, there are 2 positions available, and for the fourth flower pot, there is only 1 position left.

To calculate the total number of arrangements, we multiply all the possibilities together:

4 (for the first flower pot) x 3 (for the second flower pot) x 2 (for the third flower pot) x 1 (for the fourth flower pot) = 24

Therefore, Teresa can display her flowers in 24 different ways.