Hi i've already posted a question before but i forgot to add some information

I need some help with my art project.

I need to choose 2 headlines out of:
- anything you can do..
- cuts will lead to riots in cities
- life was in the oceans 200m years before land
- there are hidden messages in tv

1 headline goes in the beginning and one at the end. in between i need to do 8 images(which is what i need help on) to create a story linking the 2 headlines, there therefore creates a sequence

it would be really useful if you helped me


Did you read what I wrote you before. I think you could draw a "strip" with great great grandfather fish telling son how to walk, talk and finally fish for food... That appeals on both a humorous and historical level.

Select the headlines first and then we will know better what sort of images to provide.

If those are the only 2 choices, it does not look easy to link them! Possibly 1 and 3?



Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your art project! To create a sequence that links the two headlines, you'll need to determine the story you want to tell and find images that correspond to each part of the story.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this:

1. Understand the headlines: Read through each headline and try to grasp their meanings. Consider the emotions, ideas, or stories that they evoke. This will help you in crafting a narrative that connects them.

2. Brainstorm a story: Start by brainstorming ideas for a story that can link the two headlines. Think about the themes, settings, and characters that could be involved. Consider how the story can progress logically from the first headline to the second.

3. Create a narrative structure: Once you have a rough idea, outline the story's structure. Break it down into a beginning, middle, and end. Decide what happens in each part and how they connect to the headlines.

4. Visualize the story: Visualize the scenes of your story and try to imagine what they would look like as images. Consider the composition, perspective, and overall style you want each image to have. This will help guide your search for appropriate visuals.

5. Search for images: To find appropriate images for your project, you can use various resources. You can search for royalty-free stock images on websites like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels. You can also consider drawing or creating your own images if you have the skills and resources.

6. Sequence the images: Once you've collected the desired images, arrange them in a sequence that follows the narrative structure you established. Ensure that the transition from one image to the next feels smooth and coherent.

7. Design and presentation: Consider how you want to present your final project. Will it be a traditional series of images, a slideshow, a digital collage, or something else? Design the layout or format accordingly, keeping in mind the aesthetic and visual appeal you want to achieve.

Remember, the key is to tell a coherent and engaging story that connects the two headlines. Take your time, experiment with different ideas, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. Good luck with your art project!