how were consensual crimes controled during the 1850-70's

During the 1850-1870s, the control of consensual crimes, or offenses that involve activities between consenting adults, varied depending on the specific jurisdiction and prevailing social and legal norms of the time. To understand how these crimes were controlled during that period, one must consider the legal framework and social attitudes towards such activities.

1. Research the Legal Framework: Begin by studying the prevailing legal system and laws during the 1850-1870s in the specific jurisdiction you are interested in. Look for historical records, legal codes, statutes, and court cases that highlight the control and punishment of consensual crimes.

2. Understand Social Attitudes: Explore the prevailing social attitudes towards consensual crimes during that time. Societal norms, values, and religious beliefs often influence how these activities are controlled and punished. Historical documents, newspaper archives, literature, and public discourse of the period can provide insights into the prevailing social attitudes towards consensual crimes.

3. Analyze Law Enforcement Practices: Examine how law enforcement agencies and authorities enforced laws related to consensual crimes. Investigate police records, criminal justice reports, and historical accounts of arrests, prosecutions, and sentences for consensual activities. This will help shed light on the extent and methods employed to control these crimes.

4. Study Court Cases: Look for court cases related to consensual crimes from the 1850-1870s. Analyze transcripts or records of trials to understand the legal arguments, the defense's strategies, and the judicial reasoning behind the decisions. This can provide valuable insights into how consensual crimes were adjudicated and controlled during that period.

5. Consult Historical Research: Seek out scholarly works, historical research, and academic articles that discuss consensual crimes during the 1850-1870s. Historians, legal scholars, and sociologists may have conducted in-depth research on this topic, providing comprehensive explanations of how these crimes were controlled and punished during that time.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of how consensual crimes were controlled during the 1850-1870s, incorporating both the legal framework and social attitudes of the era.