Roleplay assignment.

Using the scenarios provided or make up your own, develop a script that shows your understanding of Assertive Communication style.

You must include the victim and perpetrator role plus one or more other(s) (i.e. apathetic bystander, mediator, instigator etc…)

Keep in mind that you want to RESOLVE the conflict in a peaceful manner using some of the strategies we have learned in class (i.e. active listening, assertive communication)

Your script MUST sound realistic - this means your characters must show the conflict in their speech and may not simply resolve the conflict in by agreeing to stop fighting. Also, although real-life involves colourful language, gratuitous (repeated or unnecessary) use of swearing will result in a lowered mark.
My Script:

Scenario:Young man meets his friend and wants to got to McDonalds. She wants to go elsewhere.

Bob was in Math class, doodling, and waiting for the bell to signal lunchtime. The bell rang 2 minutes later. He put his books in his bag and headed out. He meets his friend Susan at the parking lot.

Bob: Hey Susan. How are you?

Susan: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

Bob: I’m really hungry. Do you want to go to McDonalds?

Susan: Do we have to go to McDonalds?

Bob: Well, there’s Burger King?

Susan: mmmmm….I don’t know.

Bob: Pizza Hut?

Susan: Uhg, don’t like pizza.

Bob: Why don’t you say where you’d like to go/want to go?

Susan: Well, I’m not really bothered.

Bob: Well, there’s Subway?

Susan: Well that would be the healthier option.

Bob: Okay, I’m going to McDonalds because I’d really like a burger from there. And I would like you to join me, but if you would like to go to Subway you can go there.

Susan: Fine.

Can someone check my script and give some constructive criticism if you can. And tell me if I'm missing anything that is required.

Did I meet the requirements? Because I don't know if I've missed anything or not.

Also, is it a good script? And realistic.
Thank you very much.

Your script demonstrates a basic understanding of assertive communication style and includes the necessary roles of a victim, perpetrator, and an additional character. However, there are a few areas where you can further improve the script to make it more realistic and effective.

1. Conflict Expression: Increase the tension and conflict between the characters by having them express their differing opinions more clearly. For example, instead of Susan saying, "Do we have to go to McDonalds?" she could say something like, "I really don't want to go to McDonalds, Bob. Can we please consider another option?" This way, the conflict is more evident from the start and allows for a more assertive response.

2. Active Listening: Incorporate active listening techniques into the script to show the characters' engagement with each other's concerns. For example, when Bob suggests Burger King, Susan could respond by saying, "I appreciate your suggestion, Bob, but I'm really not in the mood for burgers. Can we explore other options together?" This demonstrates active listening and encourages open communication.

3. Conflict Resolution: Focus on finding a compromise or middle ground that satisfies both parties. In the current script, Bob simply suggests Subway after Susan's reluctance towards other options. Instead, encourage Bob to actively propose a solution that addresses Susan's preference for healthier food while still meeting his own desire for a burger. For example, Bob could say, "How about we go to Subway this time for a healthier option, and next time we can go to McDonalds for burgers?"

By making these adjustments, your script will better showcase assertive communication strategies, such as expressing feelings and preferences, actively listening to each other, and finding a solution that meets both parties' needs.