will earth get smaller in the future?if does why?

No, Earth will not get smaller in the future. In fact, the Earth is very slowly getting bigger over time. This is due to a process called plate tectonics.

Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth's lithosphere, which is made up of several large plates that float on the semi-fluid, plastic asthenosphere beneath them, is constantly moving. These plates can collide, move apart, or slide past each other.

When two plates collide, one can be forced beneath the other, in a process known as subduction. This usually happens at convergent plate boundaries, such as where the Pacific Plate is colliding with the North American Plate along the west coast of the United States. The subduction of one plate beneath another causes material from the subducted plate to melt and rise to the surface, forming new landmasses.

This process of subduction and the formation of new landmasses add material to the Earth's surface, causing the Earth to grow slightly larger over time. However, this growth is very slow and not easily noticeable on human timescales.

It's important to note that this growth is balanced by the process of erosion, where wind and water wear down the Earth's surface and transport material away. So while the Earth is getting bigger due to plate tectonics, it is also being eroded simultaneously.