if i am given 2 pairs of aqueous solutions and I need to know which one has lower electrical conductivity? Are my answers correct?

Ex/1M magneisium bromide and 1M lithium bromide.....Litium Bro. has lower electrical conductivity

Ex? 1M Potassium phosphate or 1 M potassium acetate? Potassium phosphate is lower

correct on both.

To determine which pair of aqueous solutions has lower electrical conductivity, you need to consider the properties of the ions present in each solution. The conductivity of an aqueous solution depends on the concentration and mobility of the ions in the solution.

In the first pair of solutions, 1M magnesium bromide (MgBr2) and 1M lithium bromide (LiBr), lithium bromide has lower electrical conductivity. This is because lithium ions (Li+) are smaller and have higher charge density than magnesium ions (Mg2+). Higher charge density allows for better mobility of ions, resulting in higher conductivity. Therefore, the smaller and more highly charged lithium ions are more conductive than the larger and less highly charged magnesium ions.

In the second pair of solutions, 1M potassium phosphate (K3PO4) and 1M potassium acetate (CH3COOK), potassium phosphate has lower electrical conductivity. This is because phosphate ions (PO43-) are larger and have a higher charge than acetate ions (CH3COO-). Larger ions experience more resistance to movement in solution, leading to lower electrical conductivity. Therefore, the larger and more highly charged phosphate ions make the potassium phosphate solution less conductive than the smaller and less highly charged acetate ions in the potassium acetate solution.

So, your answers are correct: lithium bromide has lower electrical conductivity compared to magnesium bromide, and potassium phosphate has lower electrical conductivity compared to potassium acetate.