As much as I have tried (and I've read several different articles) I do not understand the Epigenetic View....the development of ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and environmnet. Can anyone put it in simpler terms.

Of course! The concept of the Epigenetic View can be a bit complex, but I'll try my best to explain it in simpler terms.

Firstly, let's break down what "epigenetic" means. The term "epigenetics" refers to the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence. In simpler terms, it explores how certain environmental factors can influence how our genes work without actually altering the genetic code itself.

Now, when we talk about the Epigenetic View, we are referring to the idea that there is a continuous and interactive relationship between our genetic makeup (heredity) and the environment. This means that our genetic traits can be influenced and modified by the environment we are exposed to throughout our lives, and in turn, our genes can also influence how we respond to and interact with our environment.

To put it simply, the Epigenetic View suggests that our genes and the environment work together in a two-way process. Our genes provide the foundation, but the environment can have a significant impact on how those genes are expressed or "turned on/off." At the same time, our genes can also shape how we perceive and respond to the environment.

For example, let's consider a person born with a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. The Epigenetic View suggests that their environment, such as lifestyle choices, diet, stress levels, or exposure to toxins, can influence whether those genes are activated and increase the risk of developing the disease. So, it emphasizes that genes are not solely deterministic, but can be modified by environmental factors.

Understanding the Epigenetic View is important because it helps us recognize that our health, behavior, and development are influenced not just by our genes, but also by the environment we are exposed to. It highlights the intricate interplay between nature (our genetics) and nurture (our environment), and how they both contribute to shaping who we are.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the Epigenetic View for you!