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What motivated Hernan Cortes to go to the new world?

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Certainly! Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who played a significant role in the colonization of the Americas, particularly in the conquest of the Aztec Empire. There were several factors that motivated Cortes to venture into the New World:

1. Economic Ambitions: One of the main motivations for European exploration during that time was the pursuit of wealth and resources. Cortes sought opportunities for gold, silver, and other valuable commodities that were rumored to be abundant in the New World.

2. Fame and Glory: Conquistadors like Cortes were driven by a desire for fame and recognition. They sought to make a name for themselves and gain prestige by discovering new lands, conquering civilizations, and expanding the influence of the Spanish Empire.

3. Political and Social Factors: Cortes was also driven by political and social factors of the time. Spain was in the midst of the Reconquista, the centuries-long struggle to reclaim the Iberian Peninsula from Islamic rule. Cortes saw an opportunity to extend Spanish influence and spread Christianity in the New World.

4. Reports of Wealth and Civilization: Cortes was influenced by the accounts of previous expeditions, such as Christopher Columbus's voyage, which described the existence of advanced civilizations and unimaginable riches in the New World. These reports fueled his curiosity and desire to explore.

To find further specific details and evidence supporting these motivations, you can refer to historical records and primary sources such as Cortes's letters, accounts of other conquistadors, and historical documents from that period. These sources will provide a more comprehensive understanding of Cortes's motivations and the context of European exploration during the Age of Discovery.