this is what it says in my book:

We use the term "witch-hunt" now to describe situations in which many people react to a fear in spite of evidence and good sense. sometimes this creates a "mob mentality" that destrys innocent people, much like the witch craze did in the 17th century. find out about a modern "witch-hunt" and write a summary of what happened. explain how television and other media can contribute to peoples' hysteria.

I really need help on this question. please help, thanks

Remember the Saddam has weapons of mass destruction? Remember how Saddam was helping terrorists train to kill Americans?

no , sorry I never heard about that. could you please provide me a site about that though. I really need a site which will help me anser this question

This site explains the "witchhunt" for Saddam Hussein's so-called weapons of mass destruction.

Another more current "witchhunt" is the belief of the "birthers" that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

Check this site.


You're welcome.

To find information about a modern "witch-hunt," there are several steps you can follow:

1. Start by conducting a general internet search using keywords such as "modern witch-hunt" or "witch-hunt in [specific country/region]." This will provide you with a range of sources and examples to explore.

2. Look for reputable news websites, articles, or scholarly sources that discuss specific incidents or events that can be categorized as modern witch-hunts. It is essential to use reliable sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.

3. Read through the chosen sources and identify a specific modern witch-hunt that interests you. Pay attention to the details of the event, the reasons behind it, the impacts it had, and any media involvement.

4. Once you have gathered enough information, you can proceed to write a summary of what happened during the modern witch-hunt you selected. Be sure to include key elements such as the context, the people involved, the accusations made, and the consequences encountered by innocent individuals.

In regards to how television and other media can contribute to people's hysteria, here is an explanation:

Television and other media platforms have significant influence on shaping public opinion and emotions. They have the ability to amplify the impact of certain events and create an atmosphere of fear or panic, which can contribute to a mob mentality and, in some cases, lead to modern witch-hunts.

1. Sensationalism: The media often tends to sensationalize events, exaggerating their significance and portraying them in a dramatic and alarming manner. This can heighten people's emotions and lead to an exaggerated response.

2. Biased or Incomplete Reporting: Sometimes, the media may report on incidents without providing accurate and impartial information. By selectively presenting facts or omitting crucial details, they can manipulate public perception, reinforce stereotypes, and contribute to the formation of a witch-hunt mentality.

3. Social Media and Viral Content: The rapid dissemination of information through social media platforms can accelerate the spread of rumors, false accusations, or misinformation. People often share and amplify such content without verifying its accuracy, fueling paranoia and contributing to the mob mentality.

4. Confirmation Bias: Media can reinforce existing prejudices and biases within society. When a particular group or individual is portrayed as a threat repeatedly in news or entertainment, people may develop confirmation bias, where they interpret events or evidence in a way that confirms their preconceived notions, thus enabling the witch-hunt mentality.

It is crucial to critically evaluate the information presented by the media and be aware of their potential impact in order to avoid being swept up in a modern witch-hunt.