So my teacher gave us this sheet. We have to think of someone famous/in politics/or on tv who uses fear to persuade other people to do things.

I've searched google, but they haven't helped. Who should I do? I don't watch tv much, so I don't really know.

Can someone please help me? Any help will be appreciated.

Some fundamental preachers use fear of Hell to get people to do the right things.

But the name that immediately comes to mind is Russ Limbaugh, the radio talk show host. Research him.

thank you.

There is no large argument that Rush is King of the Fear mongers, however, the National Rifle Association is a close second, in my opinion

We can even include former President George W. Bush for his use of the term "axis of evil."

Sure, I can help you with that. Finding someone who uses fear to persuade others can be a bit challenging, but I can guide you through the process.

1. Think about political figures: Start by considering politicians who are known for using fear as a persuasive tactic. Some examples you can explore include:

- Adolf Hitler: The Nazi dictator who used fear and propaganda to consolidate his power.
- Benito Mussolini: The Italian fascist leader who employed fear to control the population.
- Joseph McCarthy: An American senator who used fear during the McCarthy era to weed out alleged communists.
- George W. Bush: The former US president who utilized fear after the 9/11 attacks to garner support for military actions.

2. Look into television personalities:
- Glenn Beck: Known for his provocative fear-based rhetoric on political and social issues.
- Nancy Grace: A TV personality who often sensationalizes crime stories to create fear and captivate viewers.

3. Research public figures known for fear-based tactics:
- Rupert Murdoch: The media mogul behind Fox News, known for using fear to heighten ratings and influence public opinion.
- Alex Jones: A controversial conspiracy theorist who uses fear to drive his narratives.

Remember, the key is to choose someone who clearly uses fear to persuade others. Once you've selected a person, you can research their speeches, publications, or public statements to gather evidence of their fear-based tactics.