The homework is asking for the Present Tense, Past Tense, Active Form, Noun & Adjective Form for the word Accomplish.


Present tense: accomplish
Past tense: accomplished
Active: accomplish
Noun: accomplishment
Adjective: accomplished

To determine the present tense, past tense, active form, noun form, and adjective form of the word "accomplish," we need to understand some basic grammatical concepts and rules.

1. Present Tense: The present tense refers to the action happening in the current time or a general fact. To find the present tense for "accomplish," we need to remove any verb conjugation endings that indicate past tense. In this case, since "accomplish" is a regular verb, we simply use the base verb form itself, which is "accomplish."

2. Past Tense: The past tense indicates that an action has already happened or is completed. There are different ways to form the past tense of a verb, depending on whether the verb is regular or irregular. "Accomplish" is an irregular verb, so we need to change the verb form. The past tense of "accomplish" is "accomplished."

3. Active Form: The active form of a verb represents a subject performing an action. In English, most sentences are written in the active voice. To find the active form of "accomplish," we use the base verb itself, which is "accomplish."

4. Noun Form: Sometimes, verbs can be converted into nouns by adding specific suffixes. In the case of "accomplish," we can form a noun by adding the suffix "-ment" to the base word. The noun form of "accomplish" is "accomplishment."

5. Adjective Form: Verbs can also be transformed into adjectives by adding certain suffixes. For "accomplish," we can use the suffix "-ed" to change it into an adjective form. Therefore, the adjective form of "accomplish" is "accomplished."

In summary, the answers to the homework questions for the word "accomplish" are:
- Present Tense: accomplish
- Past Tense: accomplished
- Active Form: accomplish
- Noun Form: accomplishment
- Adjective Form: accomplished