my teach gave me a project in which i have to make my own advertisement on a product of my choice. i have no idea what product i shud use!! please help!!

The due date is tommorow and i still havent done it!!

What does it matter. Pick any product, if you cant do that, walk blindfolded in the house and the first thing you bump into that is the product. The point of the assignment is to develope some creative thinking and use your English skills at making a pitch.

dude. that's the effing problem. my mind is blank. i walked around wid my eyes closed and all i got was an apple.

you can pick any product you want to, such as face products, hair products, etc. go in your washroom and see what kind of products you can find there.

Omfg reading this in 2016 is still cringe

Finding a product to create an advertisement for can be challenging, but here are a few steps to help you come up with an idea quickly:

1. Consider your interests and hobbies: Think about things you are passionate about or enjoy. It could be a sport, a musical instrument, a type of food, a book series, or anything else that catches your attention.

2. Brainstorm potential products: Based on your interests, brainstorm different products related to those areas. For example, if you enjoy soccer, you could create an advertisement for a new soccer ball or a sports apparel brand. If you love cooking, you could promote a kitchen gadget or a recipe book.

3. Research market trends: Look into current trends and popular products in the market. This can help you identify potential products that have a high demand or ones that could stand out from the competition.

4. Identify the target audience: Think about whom your advertisement will be targeting. Consider the demographics, interests, and needs of that audience. It is essential to understand your target audience in order to tailor your advertisement effectively.

5. Narrow down your options: Evaluate the products you brainstormed and think about which one aligns best with your interests, has a market demand, and suits your target audience. Choose a product that you feel excited about promoting and that will engage your audience.

Once you have identified a product, you can start creating your advertisement. Remember to highlight its unique features, benefits, and appeal to your target audience. Use persuasive language, visual elements, and a compelling call to action to make your advertisement effective.

Even though you have limited time, with a clear idea and some creativity, you can create an impressive advertisement for your project. Good luck!