Its July 4th 3pm in salt Lake City Utah what day and time is it in Tokyo Japan.

This sites should help you figure it out.

To find out the day and time in Tokyo, Japan, we need to consider the time difference between Salt Lake City, Utah (Mountain Standard Time, MST) and Tokyo, Japan (Japan Standard Time, JST).

Salt Lake City, Utah is in the time zone known as Mountain Standard Time (MST), which is UTC-7 during standard time. Tokyo, Japan, on the other hand, is in the time zone of Japan Standard Time (JST), which is UTC+9.

The time difference between MST and JST is 16 hours. So, if it is 3 pm on July 4th in Salt Lake City, Utah, we can determine the corresponding time in Tokyo, Japan by adding 16 hours.

3 pm + 16 hours = 7 am the following day

Therefore, in Tokyo, Japan, it would be 7 am on July 5th.