the primary type of farming in the region is _____ farming

my choose is b

Which region?

What is "conservation farming?"

i just checked my text again and it is a sorry

Are you sure?

I think that its a too

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the definitions of the different types of farming mentioned.

1. Commercial farming: This type of farming is done primarily for profit. Farmers focus on cultivating and selling agricultural products in the market. The scale of production is usually large, and the crops are grown using modern techniques, machinery, and inputs to maximize yield.

2. Conservation farming: This method aims to protect the environment and natural resources while also sustaining agricultural practices. It involves using techniques that minimize soil erosion, conserve water, and promote biodiversity, such as crop rotation, zero tillage, and agroforestry.

3. Subsistence farming: This type of farming is practiced to meet the food and survival needs of the farmer and their family. Farmers typically cultivate small plots of land using traditional techniques and rely on simple tools. The focus is on producing enough food for self-consumption with little or no surplus for sale.

4. Communal farming: This is a system where agricultural land is owned and managed collectively by a group of individuals or a community. The members share resources, labor, and the resulting harvest.

Now, considering the question, the primary type of farming in the region is being asked for.

Based on the given options, "B) conservation farming" might be a possible choice, but it is worth noting that conservation farming is not primarily a type of farming, but rather an approach or set of techniques applied within various types of farming (such as commercial or subsistence farming) to promote sustainability and environmental conservation.

Given the options, the most appropriate answer to the question would be "C) subsistence farming." If the primary focus of the farming in the region is on meeting the basic food and survival needs of the farmers and their families, and they use traditional techniques with small plots of land, it aligns with the characteristics of subsistence farming.