reduce each rational expression into lowest terms.


x^2+14x+49 factored is (x+7)(x+7)

3y^2+7y-6 factored = (3y-2)(y+3)

are these right?


To reduce a rational expression to its lowest terms, you need to simplify both the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) by dividing out the greatest common factor (GCF) of the two terms.

Let's simplify the rational expression (2y+4)/(3y+6) into its lowest terms.

Step 1: Factorize the numerator (2y+4) and denominator (3y+6).
The numerator can be factored as 2(y+2) and the denominator as 3(y+2).

Step 2: Identify the GCF of the factored numerator and denominator, which is (y+2).

Step 3: Divide each term of the factored numerator and denominator by (y+2).

Step 4: Simplify by canceling out the common factor (y+2).
The final simplified expression is 2/3.

Therefore, the given rational expression 2y+4/3y+6, when reduced to the lowest terms, equals 2/3.