List the people from most powerful to least: Kings, serfs, tenants, vassals

I chose: kings, vassals, tenants, and then serfs.


Thank you! :-)

To determine the order of individuals from most powerful to least in this specific hierarchical system, one must understand the roles and relationships within the feudal structure.

1. Kings: At the top of the hierarchy were the Kings who held ultimate authority and power over the entire kingdom. They were sovereign rulers and head of the feudal system.

2. Vassals: Vassals were individuals who held land directly from the Kings in exchange for providing military service and support. They were considered the nobility and were granted titles such as dukes, counts, or barons. Vassals held significant power and influence in their respective territories.

3. Tenants: Tenants, also known as freeholders, were individuals who held land directly from the vassals. They were granted the right to use the land but were obligated to provide certain services, including military aid, to their vassals. Tenants possessed some level of power, though it was inferior to that of the vassals.

4. Serfs: Serfs were at the bottom of the feudal hierarchy. They were bound to the land they worked on and were not allowed to leave without their lord's permission. Serfs were legally tied to the manor and were obligated to provide labor, agricultural products, and other services to their vassals or landlords. They had little to no power or freedom and were subject to the authority and control of their lords.

So, based on this understanding, the correct order from most powerful to least would be: Kings, Vassals, Tenants, and Serfs.