What if Ali had only tens and ones?How could she have modeled 624 without using hundreds?

How about 62 tens and 4 ones?

Oh ok thanx.

To model the number 624 using only tens and ones, Ali can break down the number into its place value components.

The digit 6 represents the number of hundreds in 624. Since Ali is not using hundreds, this can be ignored.

The digit 2 represents the number of tens in 624. Therefore, Ali would need to model 20 using tens. This can be done by using two bundles of ten rods.

The digit 4 represents the number of ones in 624. Ali can model this by using four individual unit cubes.

So, to model 624 without using hundreds, Ali would need two bundles of ten rods (representing the tens digit) and four unit cubes (representing the ones digit).