Q: do tomato plants grow better with fertilizer

Hypothesis: I think if i give the tomatoes fertilizer they will grow taller

Contolled Experiment
1. Control group
list factors

2. Experimental
Independant Variables


Already asked; already answered.


To determine if tomato plants grow better with fertilizer, you can set up a controlled experiment. Here's how you can do it:

1. Control group: In the control group, you would have tomato plants that do not receive any fertilizer. This group will serve as a baseline for comparison.

2. Experimental group: In the experimental group, tomato plants will receive fertilizer. The independent variable in this experiment is the presence of fertilizer.

3. Data collection: To collect data on the growth of the tomato plants, you can measure and record various factors, such as plant height, number of leaves, and fruit yield. These measurements can be taken at regular intervals throughout the growth period, such as weekly or monthly.

By comparing the data collected from the control group to the experimental group, you can determine if the tomato plants grew better with the presence of fertilizer. Statistical analysis can be used to evaluate the significance of any observed differences between the two groups.

Remember, it is important to ensure that all other factors, such as light, temperature, and water, are kept the same for both the control and experimental groups to ensure valid results.