Can you help me fine the tone to the poem oranges

Check these sites for a copy of the poem and explanations of "tone."

Check this site on Tone. Then think of the "feeling" expressed in the poem. I know that it made me smile, even though it wasn't a humorous poem.

Certainly! To find the tone of a poem, it is helpful to pay attention to the language, imagery, and overall mood that the poet conveys. The tone refers to the attitude or feeling that the poem evokes in the reader. In the case of the poem "Oranges," I can help you understand how to analyze it to determine its tone.

1. Read the poem: First, read the poem "Oranges" by Gary Soto. Take note of any vivid descriptions, word choices, or recurring themes.

2. Analyze the language: Consider the words and phrases used in the poem. Are they positive, negative, or neutral? Do they convey a specific emotion or attitude?

3. Consider the imagery: Pay attention to the sensory details the poet uses to describe the scene. Do they create a sense of joy, melancholy, or something else?

4. Assess the mood: Reflect on how the poem makes you feel. Does it evoke a sense of happiness, sadness, nostalgia, or another emotion? Is the mood consistent throughout the poem, or does it change?

5. Look for recurring themes or motifs: Identify any recurring symbols or ideas in the poem that may contribute to the overall tone. Consider how these themes are presented and what emotional impact they have.

By examining these aspects of the poem, you'll be able to develop an understanding of its tone. Each reader's interpretation may vary slightly, so it's important to support your analysis with evidence from the text. Feel free to share specific lines or details from the poem, and I can help you further in determining the tone of "Oranges."