By Moving Only 2 sticks of these three equal sized squares cna be changed into 4 equal sized rectangles. which 2 sticks should be moved?

Scroll down to the 6th question.

That's the 6th question in part xii.


To solve this puzzle, you need to analyze the structure of the squares and determine which sticks can be moved to form four equal-sized rectangles.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Understand the initial configuration: Examine the three equal-sized squares and visualize how they are connected. The squares are likely positioned to form a larger square or some other shape.

2. Identify the sticks: Determine which lines make up the outer boundary of the squares. Look for sticks that connect the squares and potentially divide them into separate sections.

3. Count the required rectangles: Visualize how moving two sticks can transform the squares into four equal-sized rectangles. Consider the potential positions and orientations of these rectangles.

4. Determine optimal moves: Based on your analysis, select two sticks that, when moved, will rearrange the squares into four equal-sized rectangles. Ensure that these moves adhere to the rules of the puzzle.

Without a visual representation or specific details of the initial configuration, it is challenging to provide the exact sticks to be moved. However, by following the steps above, you should be able to identify the optimal moves and solve the puzzle.