1.evaluate the expression -72/-9 = +8 is this correct?

2. evaluate the expression |-5+3|=(-2)=2 is this correct?

yes, except on number 2, the use of ( ) around the -2 is inappropriate. You meant abs(-2) I am fairly certain.

1. To evaluate the expression -72/-9, we divide -72 by -9. Dividing a negative number by a negative number gives a positive result. Therefore, -72/-9 = +8 is correct.

2. To evaluate the expression |-5+3|, we first perform the addition inside the absolute value symbols. -5 + 3 equals -2. However, the absolute value of -2 is 2 (not -2). Therefore, the expression |-5+3| = (-2) = 2 is incorrect. The correct evaluation is |-5+3| = |(-2)| = 2.

1. To evaluate the expression -72/-9, we can follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)).

In this case, we only have division. So, we can divide -72 by -9. When dividing two negative numbers, the result is always positive.

Therefore, -72 divided by -9 equals +8.

So, the statement -72/-9 = +8 is indeed correct.

2. Now, let's evaluate the expression |-5+3|.

To evaluate an expression in absolute value, we need to find the magnitude or absolute distance from zero, regardless of the sign.

In this case, |-5+3| means the absolute value of the expression -5+3.

When evaluating -5+3, we get -2. Since the absolute value of -2 is 2 (the distance from 0), the correct evaluation of the expression is |-5+3| = 2.

Therefore, the statement |-5+3| = (-2) = 2 is incorrect because the absolute value of -2 is 2, not -2.