this is the 40th year that man has landed on the moon. what progress has been attained since man landed on the moon? please please please please please please hElP

You need to be much more specific with your question. For example, what progress toward what? food, insulation, air travel, air safety, automobiles, and the list goes on. Exactly what kind of progress are you looking for? I suspect if you answer that question you will be able to answer your own question.

It will never be on a test don't worry about it.

Of course, I'd be happy to help! Since the first moon landing in 1969, there have been several advancements and progress made in various fields. Here are some key areas where progress has been attained:

1. Space Exploration: Following the Apollo program, NASA continued to send astronauts to space with projects like the Space Shuttle program (1981-2011) and the International Space Station (ISS) (since 1998). Other countries, such as Russia, China, and several European nations, have also become active participants in space exploration.

2. Technology Development: Moon missions accelerated the development of technology in areas such as spacecraft design, computer systems, telecommunications, and materials science. Many of these advancements have had real-world applications in fields such as medicine, transportation, and communication.

3. Satellite Technology: In the past four decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of satellites launched into space. Satellites are now used for various purposes, including weather monitoring, GPS navigation, telecommunications, and scientific research.

4. Scientific Discoveries: Moon missions allowed scientists to collect valuable data and samples, leading to important scientific discoveries. These include gaining a better understanding of the moon's geology, its formation, the effects of radiation in space, and the potential for future human space exploration.

5. Technological Innovations: The challenges of space travel have inspired many technological innovations. For example, advancements in lightweight materials, solar power, and life support systems have impacted various industries, including energy, automotive, and healthcare.

6. Inspiring Future Generations: The moon landing served as an inspiration for many individuals, encouraging them to pursue careers in science, engineering, and space exploration. The progress made since the moon landing has inspired generations of scientists and engineers to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

To get more detailed information on each of these topics and specific advancements, you can consult reliable sources such as NASA's website, scientific publications, or books on space exploration. These resources will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the progress made since the first moon landing.