Mrs Thompson is putting new tile on her bathroom floor. Each tile measures 2 inches on each side. The bathroom floor is 3 feet long and 2 feet wide. How many tiles will she use to cover the entire floor?

Let's convert the feet to inches.

3 feet = 36 inches or 18 tiles
2 feet = 24 inches or 12 tiles

12 * 18 = ?


I seriously don't get how it would be 216 , but I did so accept that

To determine the number of tiles Mrs. Thompson will need, we first need to calculate the total area of the bathroom floor.

The length of the bathroom floor = 3 feet
The width of the bathroom floor = 2 feet

To find the area, multiply the length by the width:

Area = Length × Width

Area = 3 feet × 2 feet

Now, let's convert the area to square inches, as the size of each tile is given in inches:

1 foot = 12 inches

Area (in square inches) = (3 feet × 12 inches/foot) × (2 feet × 12 inches/foot)

Area = 36 inches × 24 inches

Next, we need to determine the area of one tile. The tile length and width are both given as 2 inches.

Area of one tile = Length × Width = 2 inches × 2 inches

Area of one tile = 4 square inches

To calculate the number of tiles required, divide the total area of the bathroom floor by the area of one tile:

Number of tiles = Area (in square inches) ÷ Area of one tile

Number of tiles = (36 inches × 24 inches) ÷ 4 square inches

Finally, calculate the result:

Number of tiles = 864 square inches ÷ 4 square inches

Number of tiles = 216 tiles

Therefore, Mrs. Thompson will need 216 tiles to cover the entire bathroom floor.