A k selected population is characterized by

a. extensive parental care
b. many offspring
c. large eggs
d. a high death rate
e. a relatively short life span

My book says its either a or c, but I can only choose one answers. Which one is best?

What do you mean by "A k" selected population?

I mean what is the k-selected population characterized by?

This site has your answer.


To determine the best answer choice for the given question, we need to understand what a "k selected population" means and how it is characterized.

A k selected population refers to a species or group of organisms that exhibit a reproductive strategy known as "K-selection." This strategy is observed in populations that inhabit stable environments where resources are relatively limited. K-selected populations typically have traits that maximize the survival and reproductive success of their offspring.

Let's analyze each answer choice in relation to the characteristics of a k selected population:

a. Extensive parental care: This trait is generally associated with k-selected populations. Parents that provide extensive care to their offspring increase their chances of survival and reproductive success.

b. Many offspring: This trait is more typical of r-selected populations. R-selected organisms produce a large number of offspring but provide little to no parental care. This strategy is suited for unstable environments where resources are abundant but sporadic.

c. Large eggs: This trait can also be associated with k-selected populations. Larger eggs often contain more resources and have a higher chance of producing stronger offspring.

d. High death rate: K-selected populations tend to have a lower death rate due to the investment in parental care and fewer offspring with a higher chance of survival.

e. Relatively short life span: K-selected populations typically exhibit a longer life span. This is because they invest more time and energy into individual offspring, ensuring their survival and reproductive success.

Based on the given options, both options (a) extensive parental care and (c) large eggs can be associated with k-selected populations. However, since you are allowed to choose only one answer, option (a) extensive parental care is considered the best answer that characterizes a k-selected population.