parallel to y=-5 and through (2/7)

I need to find the slope intercept and standard form of this problem. I know this problem was already posted, but I still don't know how to find those two forms

well at y=-5, x = 0

now you have two coordinate points at (0,-5) ; and (2,7)

gradient or slope = y2-y1/x2-x1

= 7-(-5)/2-0
= 12/2 = 6
------------> therefore m=6

now to find the equation
we use this formula: y-y1=m(x-x1)
take any set of the two points (in this case i am taking (2,7)
y-7 = 6(x-2)
then y-7 = 6x-12
-------------> y=6x+5