Write it down.

Take notes.

You may want to write a word or phrase on one side of a note card and the definition on the other side.

Go over your notes, saying the information out loud. Use as many as your senses as possible -- tactile (writing), vision (reading), hearing (saying the information out loud).

If after all of this, you still can't comprehend a concept, make an appointment with your instructor and ask him/her to explain it to you.

Above all -- WRITE IT DOWN!


You're welcome -- and good luck!

Personally, I suspect you need to learn the Cornell Notetaking system. Research has demonstrated it is effective, simple, and works. You use if for lecture and Text notes.


When I was in college, I also had anatomy. This is what I did. Look on line and find whatever part you are studying. I then labels everything, and colored it all in with markers or colored pencils. If I couldn't find what I needed, I sketched it and then did the above. I am a more visual learner, and this did the trick for me, and good luck!

To help remember information in Anatomy 2, there are several strategies you can try:

1. Active Learning: Engage with the material actively rather than passively reading it. Take handwritten notes, draw diagrams or flowcharts, and create flashcards to review the key concepts.

2. Visualization: Visualize the structures in your mind to enhance your understanding. Utilize anatomical models, virtual anatomy apps, or online resources to visualize and interact with the structures.

3. Break it down: Anatomy can be overwhelming due to its intricacy. Break down the information into smaller, manageable chunks. Focus on one topic or system at a time and gradually build your knowledge.

4. Repetition and Review: Regularly review the material to reinforce your understanding. Create a study schedule and allocate specific time for revision. Practice retrieval through self-testing or using online quizzes and practice questions.

5. Mnemonics and Memory Techniques: Use mnemonic devices or memory techniques to remember complex information. Create acronyms, rhymes, or visual imagery to associate with specific structures, functions, or terms.

6. Group Study: Consider studying in a group. Teaching and discussing the material with others can deepen your understanding and help you remember important concepts.

7. Seek additional resources: Find supplementary resources such as textbooks, online videos, or anatomy atlases that provide different perspectives or explanations of the topics you're struggling with.

8. Seek help when needed: If you're still having difficulty understanding the material, don't hesitate to seek help. Reach out to your instructor, join study groups, or consider working with a tutor who specializes in anatomy.

Remember, everyone learns differently, so experiment with different study techniques to discover what works best for you. Be consistent and patient with your efforts, and don't be afraid to adapt your study strategies as needed.