The measure of an angle's supplement is 44 less than the measure of the angle. Find the measure of the angle and its supplement.

Let x = the measure of the angle.

x + (x - 44) = 180
2x = 180 + 44
2x = 224
x = 112

Check it.
112 - 44 = 68
68 + 112 = 180

Well, if the measure of the angle is x, then its supplement would be (180 - x).

According to the problem, the supplement is 44 less than the angle, so we can set up an equation like this:

(180 - x) = x - 44

Now, let's solve this equation using some mathematical magic:

180 - x = x - 44
180 + 44 = x + x
224 = 2x
x = 112

So, the measure of the angle is 112 degrees, and its supplement would be (180 - 112) = 68 degrees.

Voilà! The angle measures 112 degrees and its supplement measures 68 degrees.

Let's represent the measure of the angle as x.

The supplement of an angle is 180 degrees minus the measure of the angle.

So, the measure of the angle's supplement is 180 - x.

According to the problem statement, the measure of the angle's supplement is 44 less than the measure of the angle.

Therefore, we have the equation:

180 - x = x - 44

Solving this equation will give us the value of x, which represents the measure of the angle:

180 - 44 = 2x

136 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 68

Now that we know the measure of the angle is 68 degrees, we can find its supplement:

180 - x = 180 - 68 = 112

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 68 degrees, and its supplement is 112 degrees.

To solve this problem, let's start by defining the angle.

Let's call the measure of the angle "x".

According to the problem, the measure of the angle's supplement is 44 less than the measure of the angle.

The supplement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the original angle, equals 180 degrees. So, the measure of the angle's supplement is 180 - x.

The problem states that the measure of the angle's supplement is 44 less than the measure of the angle, so we can write the following equation:

(180 - x) = x - 44

Now, let's solve the equation for x:

180 - x = x - 44
180 + 44 = x + x
224 = 2x
x = 224/2
x = 112

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 112 degrees.

To find the measure of its supplement, we can substitute the value of x into the equation:

180 - x = 180 - 112 = 68

Therefore, the measure of the angle's supplement is 68 degrees.