1. He is listening to music with headphones.

2. He is listening to music with a headphone.

3. He is listening to music with headsets.

4. He is listening to music with a headset.

5. He is listening to music with headset.

(Which expressions are correct? Would you let me know how to use the articles in these sentences?)

He is listening to music with headphones.

#s 1 and 4 and the last one (same as #1) are the best.

When referring to one headphone or one headset, you say "a headset." When referring to headphones, you don't need an article (except maybe "the" if you just want variety!).

The correct expression is: "He is listening to music with headphones."

In this sentence, the word "headphones" is plural, so it requires the indefinite article "a" to be plural as well. Therefore, "a" should be "with" in this case.

As for the usage of articles, it depends on whether the noun is countable or uncountable, and whether it is specific or general.

1. "Headphones" is a countable noun because it refers to a specific object that can be counted. The sentence uses the plural form of "headphones" because we are referring to more than one pair. Therefore, the sentence correctly uses the plural form of the indefinite article "a."

2. "Headphone" is also a countable noun, but in this case, it refers to one specific object, so the singular form is used. However, the sentence should use the definite article "the" before "headphone" since it is specifying a particular pair.

3. "Headsets" is also a countable noun, but it refers to a different type of device than headphones. Similar to example 2, if we are referring to a specific pair of headsets, the sentence should use the definite article "the" before "headsets."

4. Similar to example 2, "headset" is a countable noun, but in this case, it refers to one specific object. Therefore, the sentence should use the definite article "the" before "headset."

5. "Headset" is still a countable noun, but this time the sentence is using the singular form. However, since it is not specifying a particular headset, it should use the indefinite article "a" before "headset."