About how many rectangles will fit about a point when tessellating the plane?


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To determine the number of rectangles that will fit around a point when tessellating the plane, we first need to understand the concept of tessellation and the properties of rectangles.

Tessellation is a tiling pattern formed by repeating geometric shapes, without any gaps or overlaps. In the case of rectangles, tessellation means arranging identical rectangles to cover a surface completely.

Now, let's consider the different ways rectangles can be placed around a point to create a tessellation:

1. Horizontal tessellation:
- A rectangle can be placed horizontally above and below the point. This creates two rectangles.

2. Vertical tessellation:
- Similarly, a rectangle can also be placed vertically on the left and right sides of the point. This again creates two rectangles.

3. Diagonal tessellation:
- In addition to horizontal and vertical tessellation, we can also consider diagonal arrangements. By placing rectangles at a 45-degree angle to the point, we can fit in four rectangles.

By combining these three types of tessellations, we can determine that a total of eight rectangles (2+2+4) can fit around a single point when tessellating the plane.

It's important to note that this answer assumes we are using identical rectangles and that we are not considering any restrictions or variations in size or orientation.