Within each gene, elements of DNA are arranged in a particular order, forming a code that influences the synthesis of particular proteins. This code affects every aspect of the body, from its structure to the chemicals that keep it running. The above process describes:

A) Linkage studies

B) How genes mutate

C) How natural selection occurs

D) How genes affect characteristics of the organism

We ruled out (C) and (D) and leaning towards (A) but don't want to completely rule out (B)??


IN each gene ..there is a code...which affects every aspect of body...
So explain to me why D is not the best answer?

I agree with bobpursley. How did you rule out D?

Based on the given information, we can narrow down the options to (A) and (B) as potential answers.

(A) Linkage studies: Linkage studies are a type of genetic analysis that helps in determining the relative positions of genes on a chromosome. It involves studying the inheritance patterns of different genes to understand their physical location on the chromosome. However, the given information does not directly describe linkage studies, so it is less likely to be the correct answer.

(B) How genes mutate: Gene mutation refers to a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. While the given information talks about elements of DNA arranged in a particular order, it does not specifically mention any change or alteration in the DNA sequence. Hence, although it cannot be completely ruled out, it is less likely to be the correct answer.

(C) How natural selection occurs: This option can be ruled out as natural selection refers to the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time due to differential survival and reproduction. The given information does not pertain to changes in allele frequencies or the effects of natural selection.

(D) How genes affect characteristics of the organism: This option is also unlikely as the given information mainly focuses on the arrangement of elements in a gene and their influence on the synthesis of proteins, rather than the broader concept of how genes affect overall organism characteristics.

Considering the provided information, it is most likely that the correct answer is (B) How genes mutate, although it is not explicitly mentioned. However, it is essential to note that a comprehensive understanding of the topic would require further information or context.