since the 1970s european government have tried to limit:

A)immigration of guest workers
b)growth of service industries
C)economic growth
D)population growth
my choice is a

You are probably right.

To verify your answer, let's break down the question and examine each option:

A) Immigration of guest workers
B) Growth of service industries
C) Economic growth
D) Population growth

The question is asking which action European governments have tried to limit since the 1970s. In this case, your choice is A) immigration of guest workers.

To confirm if your answer is correct, we can consider the history and policies implemented by European governments:

Throughout the 1970s, many European governments did indeed try to limit immigration of guest workers. Guest workers were individuals who migrated to European countries for temporary employment opportunities, often in industries with labor shortages. However, as the economic situation changed, some European governments faced challenges such as rising unemployment rates and social tensions. This led them to pursue policies aimed at restricting the entry of guest workers, implementing stricter immigration controls, and even encouraging some guest workers to return to their home countries.

Considering the historical context and European government policies during that time, it is likely that A) immigration of guest workers is the correct answer to the question.

It is important to note that if you want to further validate your answer or explore other possibilities, you can refer to historical records, academic sources, or government reports related to immigration policies in Europe during the 1970s. These sources can provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and help reinforce your answer.