how do you put 2,430,090 in expanded form

2,000,000 4,000,00 3,0000 90

To put the number 2,430,090 in expanded form, we need to break it down by place value. Here is the expanded form of 2,430,090:

2,000,000 + 400,000 + 30,000 + 9,000 + 90

To express the number 2,430,090 in expanded form, we can break it down by each place value.

The given number, 2,430,090, has seven digits:

- 2 in the millions place (2,000,000),
- 4 in the hundred thousands place (400,000),
- 3 in the ten thousands place (30,000),
- 0 in the thousands place (0),
- 0 in the hundreds place (0),
- 9 in the tens place (90), and
- 0 in the ones place (0).

When we add up these place values, we get the expanded form of 2,430,090 as:

2,000,000 + 400,000 + 30,000 + 90 + 0 + 0 + 0

Simplifying this expression will give us the final answer.

i'm not entirely sure what you mean by expanded form for a single number.