how do i make this graph?

Graphs: Be able to correctly select what type of graph to use, which axis the dependant variable goes on, which axis the independent variable goes on, that every graph has a title and both axis labeled, units shown.

HOW DO I SO THIS!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!

This sounds like a review statement, and not a question.

Without a specific problem, you cannot determine which type of graph to use.

Remember that the independent variable always goes on the x axis, and the dependent on the y axis; so you can write a function as y values for x values (with x changing).

Making a graph involves a few key steps:

1. Determine the type of graph: The first step is to determine which type of graph is most appropriate for representing your data. The commonly used types include bar graphs, line graphs, scatter plots, pie charts, and histograms. Consider the nature of your data and the purpose of your graph to choose the most suitable type.

2. Identify the dependent and independent variables: Determine which variable is the dependent variable (the one that you are measuring or analyzing) and which variable is the independent variable (the one that is manipulated or controlled). The dependent variable typically goes on the y-axis, while the independent variable goes on the x-axis.

3. Collect and organize your data: Gather the necessary data for your graph and organize it based on the dependent and independent variables. Make sure all data is accurate and complete.

4. Create a title and label your axes: Give your graph a descriptive title that clearly explains what is being represented. Label the x-axis and y-axis with appropriate titles that indicate the variables being plotted. Don't forget to include the units of measurement for each variable.

5. Choose a scale: Determine the appropriate scale for each axis, based on the range of values in your data. The scale should be evenly spaced and clearly labeled.

6. Plot the data points: Use the scale and values from your data to plot the appropriate data points on the graph. If you have multiple data sets or groups, use different colors or symbols to distinguish them.

7. Connect the data points (if applicable): In some cases, you may need to connect the data points with lines to show the trend or progression. This is commonly done in line graphs.

8. Add any necessary legends or annotations: If you have multiple data sets or groups, include a legend to explain what each color or symbol represents. You can also add any additional annotations or explanations to clarify the information presented.

9. Review and refine: After creating your graph, review it for accuracy, clarity, and completeness. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements to ensure that it effectively communicates your data.

Remember, the specific steps and tools used may vary depending on the software or tool you are using to create your graph. Be sure to consult the instructions or documentation for that specific tool for more guidance.