Please help me on this question. I am very stuck!

1. Prepare a chart which compares the basic characteristics of the pure capitalist and pure socialist economic models.

Please help me; compare characteristics of pure capitalist and pure socialist.


Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "capitalist socialist models" to get these possible sources:,_Socialism_and_Democracy
(Broken Link Removed)

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

please give me specific points. or a website that has them

pleeease, i really need help

thanks ms.sue

Sure! To compare the basic characteristics of pure capitalist and pure socialist economic models, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the basic principles of capitalism: In a pure capitalist model, economic decisions are driven by private individuals and businesses in pursuit of profit. Private ownership of resources and means of production is emphasized, and the government's role is generally limited to protecting property rights and maintaining law and order.

2. Understand the basic principles of socialism: In a pure socialist model, the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the state or the community as a whole. Social goods and services are distributed based on the principle of need rather than profit, and economic planning is often used to guide production and consumption.

Now, let's compare the characteristics of pure capitalism and pure socialism:

Private Ownership vs. Public Ownership:
- Pure capitalism emphasizes private ownership of resources, means of production, and businesses.
- Pure socialism promotes public ownership of resources, means of production, and often involves state-owned enterprises.

Profit Motive vs. Social Welfare:
- In pure capitalism, the profit motive drives economic activity, with individuals and businesses seeking to maximize their profits.
- In pure socialism, social welfare and meeting the needs of society are prioritized over individual profit.

Market Forces vs. Central Planning:
- Pure capitalism relies on market forces, such as supply and demand, to determine prices and allocate resources.
- Pure socialism often involves centralized planning by the state to guide resource allocation and production decisions.

Income Distribution:
- In pure capitalism, income distribution is largely influenced by the market forces, leading to potential income disparities between individuals and social classes.
- In pure socialism, income distribution aims to be more equitable, with resources and wealth being shared more equally among individuals and societal groups.

Role of the Government:
- In pure capitalism, the role of the government is generally limited to protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and providing basic public goods and services.
- In pure socialism, the government plays a more active role in regulating the economy, implementing economic plans, and providing social services.

Please note that these are very simplified characteristics, and in reality, most economies exhibit a mix of capitalist and socialist elements. It's also important to consider that there are various hybrid economic models and different degrees of capitalism and socialism practiced in different countries.

I hope this explanation helps you in preparing your chart.