If the odds in favor of an event A are 3 to 1, what is the probability associated with event A occurring? I am so confused with this question could you show me how I could solve it?


The odds in favour of event A is 3:1

so the prob of event A happening is 3/4

If the odds in favour of some event is a:b
then the prob of event A is a/(a+b) and the prob of the event not happening is b/(a+b)
Note a/(a+b) + b/(a+b)
= (a+b)/(a+b) = 1

Certainly! To find the probability associated with an event, you can use the formula:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes

In this case, the odds in favor of event A are 3 to 1. This means that for every 3 favorable outcomes, there is 1 unfavorable outcome.

To find the probability of event A occurring, you need to determine the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, since the odds are 3 to 1, we can assume a total of 4 outcomes (3 favorable and 1 unfavorable).

To calculate the probability, divide the number of favorable outcomes (3) by the total number of possible outcomes (4).

Probability of event A = 3 / 4

Therefore, the probability associated with event A occurring is 3/4 or 0.75, which can also be expressed as 75%.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to solve this type of question!