Deliverable Length: 600-800 words

Details: As follow-on to your previous discussions with your new boss (HR Manager) the question has come up how effective has the off-shoring been for the companies that have implemented off-shore operations and more specifically what has been the human resources impact on those companies? Has off-shoring affected the company operationally, financially, or from a reputation perspective?

If someone could at least just give me some ideas or web sites to look I would so appreciate it; I am totally lost in this class.

Thank you so much

Start here:

I fully realize that some instructor crafted that question, however, since when are jobs created "off-shore" except on oil rigs? I suspect he/she meant exported jobs.

There are several good articles here. For the last question, the Mattel link will be good.

What are some of the obstacles that hinder the HR manager’s contribution

to a firm’s competitive advantage in the global market?

To analyze the effectiveness of off-shoring in companies and its impact on human resources, you can start by conducting research on various reliable sources such as academic journals, industry reports, and reputable websites. Here are some steps to guide you in finding information and crafting your response:

1. Identify Relevant Keywords: Begin by identifying keywords related to off-shoring, its impact on companies, and the human resources aspect. Some keywords to consider could be "off-shoring effectiveness," "off-shoring impact on companies," "off-shoring and human resources," "off-shoring operational impact," "off-shoring financial impact," and "off-shoring reputation impact."

2. Research Databases and Websites: Make use of research databases and websites that offer a broad range of academic journals, industry reports, and business articles. Some of the popular databases that could provide useful information include EBSCOhost, ProQuest, JSTOR, and Google Scholar. Additionally, websites such as Harvard Business Review, Deloitte, McKinsey & Company, PwC, and SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) can also be reliable sources.

3. Refine Search Terms: Use the identified keywords to search for literature in the research databases and websites. Initially, you may encounter a large number of results, so consider refining your search terms by including specific company names, industry sectors, or geographical regions to narrow down the relevance of your findings.

4. Assess and Evaluate Sources: As you find relevant articles and reports, ensure they are from reputable sources and published within the last few years. Look for articles that provide empirical data, case studies, or employ a rigorous research methodology to support their claims. Remember to critically evaluate the information and consider the credibility and objectivity of the sources.

5. Organize and Synthesize Information: As you collect information from various sources, organize your findings by categorizing them based on the operational, financial, and reputation impacts of off-shoring on companies' human resources. Create an outline or summary of the key points and supporting evidence from each source.

6. Analyze and Draw Conclusions: With all the information gathered, analyze the findings to identify common trends, themes, or patterns that emerge across multiple sources. Consider both the positive and negative impacts of off-shoring on operational efficiency, cost reduction, workforce management, talent acquisition, employee morale, and the overall reputation of the companies.

7. Craft Your Response: Armed with your research, synthesize the information to create a coherent and well-supported response to the question. Present your findings by addressing the effectiveness of off-shoring in terms of operational, financial, and reputation impacts on companies' human resources. Provide real-world examples, statistical data, and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Make sure to cite your sources properly according to the required citation format.

Remember, this process involves conducting thorough research and critically analyzing the information you find. It is crucial to use reliable sources and support your response with evidence to ensure the validity and credibility of your findings.