Write 116 2/3 as a fraction or mixed number.

350/3 for an improper fraction

116 2/3 = 116 + 2/3

To get an improper fraction, you must multiply the whole number to get the same denominator.

116 + 2/3 = 116 * (3/3) + 2/3
= 348/3 + 2/3

Now you can add the numerators because the denominators are the same.
= (348+2)/3


To write a mixed number, you need to convert the whole number and the fraction into a single expression.

Step 1: The whole number in 116 2/3 is 116.
Step 2: For the fraction part, we have 2/3.

To convert the fraction to a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the whole number (116) by the denominator of the fraction (3):
116 x 3 = 348

Step 2: Add the result from Step 1 to the numerator of the fraction (2):
348 + 2 = 350

Step 3: Write the sum from Step 2 over the denominator of the fraction:

So, 116 2/3 can be written as the improper fraction 350/3.