water pollution in the united states and canada is caused by: A) acid rain b)runoff agriculture chemicals C)industrial wastes D)all of the above i think c if wrong please correct

Some portion of the question probably depends upon the definition of pollution; however, I suspect D is the correct answer. Check me out on that.

They all pollute the water.

Agriculture chem and wastes are definitely a problem, especially in the area of very large megachicken or megahog farms.

The correct answer is actually D) all of the above. Water pollution in the United States and Canada is caused by a combination of factors, including A) acid rain, B) runoff from agriculture chemicals, and C) industrial wastes.

To reach this conclusion, you can consider the following:

1) Acid Rain: Acid rain is caused by the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, mostly from burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These pollutants combine with water vapor in the air and form acids that fall back to the ground through rain, snow, fog, or dry particles. Acid rain can significantly impact water bodies, leading to contamination and aquatic ecosystem damage.

2) Runoff from Agriculture Chemicals: Agricultural activities, such as excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, contribute to water pollution. When it rains or when the snow melts, these chemicals can be washed off the fields and enter nearby water bodies, causing contamination. This runoff can lead to eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and impaired aquatic life.

3) Industrial Wastes: Industrial processes and manufacturing activities often generate various types of waste materials that can be released into water bodies. Discharging untreated or improperly treated industrial wastes can introduce harmful substances like heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins into rivers, lakes, and oceans, leading to pollution. This can result in adverse impacts on aquatic ecosystems, including the death of fish and other aquatic organisms.

Considering these factors, it is correct to say that water pollution in the United States and Canada is caused by acid rain, runoff from agriculture chemicals, and industrial wastes, making the correct answer D) all of the above.