the united states is a leading exporter of : a)oil and natural b)rice products C)beef and grain d) cranberries and rasberries. i choose a

To verify whether the United States is a leading exporter of oil and natural gas, we can use a reliable source such as the United States Census Bureau or the United States Energy Information Administration. These organizations collect data on the production and export of various commodities. Let's follow the steps to find the answer:

1. Open your web browser and go to the website of the United States Census Bureau or the United States Energy Information Administration.
2. Look for the section that provides information on exports or international trade.
3. Locate the data related to oil and natural gas exports from the United States.
4. Check if the United States is mentioned as a leading exporter of oil and natural gas in the provided data or reports.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the accurate information regarding the leading exports of the United States.