Is this a good sentence with good punctuation in it. For the party we brought cake and ice cream; fruit salad; and punch. Does this have good use of semicolon.

yes but i would rather use commas instead of semicolons anyway it is a good sentence.

The semicolons are wrong. Check this site for the correct use of semicolons.

Yes, the sentence you provided has good use of semicolons. The semicolon is used correctly to separate items in a list when those items themselves contain commas. In this case, you used semicolons to separate the three items brought to the party: cake and ice cream, fruit salad, and punch.

Getting the answer to your question involved analyzing the sentence and identifying the correct use of punctuation. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Identify the use of semicolons: In the sentence "For the party we brought cake and ice cream; fruit salad; and punch," there are three instances of semicolons.

2. Interpret the purpose of semicolons: Semicolons are often used to separate items in a list when those items already contain commas. This helps to clarify the separation between items.

3. Examine the list: In this case, the list contains three items: "cake and ice cream," "fruit salad," and "punch." Each of these items contains multiple words, which are separated by commas. Since the items themselves contain commas, using semicolons to separate them helps to avoid confusion.

Thus, based on the correct usage of semicolons in your sentence, it can be concluded that it has good punctuation.