don't understand what I have to look for.

Examine several newspapers and magazines and describe
at least three examples of functions that appear. What is
the domain and range of each function?

To find functions in newspapers and magazines, you should look for situations where one quantity depends on another. Here are the steps to identify and describe three examples of functions, along with their domain and range:

1. Start by examining the articles, graphs, charts, or any visual elements that present information in a systematic manner.

2. Look for relationships where a change in one variable corresponds to a change in another. For example:

a) Temperature Conversion: If you come across a weather report or an article discussing temperature conversions, you may find a function relating Fahrenheit to Celsius. The input (domain) would be the temperature in Fahrenheit, and the output (range) would be the equivalent temperature in Celsius.

b) Stock Market Analysis: Financial newspapers often include graphs or tables showing the price of a stock over time. The date or time would be the domain, and the corresponding stock price would be the range. Each date would have a unique stock price, making it a function.

c) Health and Fitness Articles: Many magazines provide information on exercise routines and their impact on fitness levels. For example, an article might discuss how heart rate (domain) is related to the number of calories burned during different activities (range). Each heart rate value would correspond to a unique calorie burn value, representing a function.

3. Once you have identified the relationships and examples, describe each function using clear, concise language. For instance:

a) "The Fahrenheit-to-Celsius function converts temperatures measured in Fahrenheit to Celsius. The domain is the temperature in Fahrenheit, while the range is the equivalent temperature in Celsius."

b) "In the stock market analysis, the function is used to depict the relationship between time (domain) and the price of a specific stock (range). Each unique date/time corresponds to a specific stock price."

c) "The heart rate function in a health and fitness article relates the heart rate (domain) to the number of calories burned during various activities (range). Each heart rate value corresponds to a specific calorie burn value."

Remember, these are only examples, and the specific functions you find may differ. The key is to identify relationships between variables and describe them accordingly.