Multiple choice Q.

All of the following statements correctly describe the typical independent agency except:

A> it has a narrower area of responsibility than cabinet departments
B> its head is appointed by an independent commision
C> it is devided into a number of smaller operating units
D> its employees are mostly hired through the civil service system

c or d

Its D

To answer this multiple-choice question, you need to examine each statement and determine if it correctly describes the typical independent agency. Let's go through each option:

A> "It has a narrower area of responsibility than cabinet departments."
To determine if this statement is correct, you need to understand the difference between independent agencies and cabinet departments. Cabinet departments are major executive branch organizations that cover a broad range of policy areas, such as the Department of Defense or the Department of State. In contrast, independent agencies usually have a more specific focus and often regulate specific industries or sectors. Therefore, statement A is correct.

B> "Its head is appointed by an independent commission."
To verify this statement, you need to know how the head of an independent agency is selected. Typically, the head of an independent agency is appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. While some agencies may have additional selection processes, such as the involvement of an independent commission, this is not a general requirement for all independent agencies. Therefore, statement B might be incorrect.

C> "It is divided into a number of smaller operating units."
To evaluate this statement, you should understand the organizational structure of independent agencies. Independent agencies often have various divisions, offices, or units responsible for different aspects of their mission. These smaller operating units allow for more efficient management and specialization within the agency. Therefore, statement C is correct.

D> "Its employees are mostly hired through the civil service system."
To assess this statement, you need to determine how independent agencies typically hire employees. The civil service system is a merit-based process where government agencies select employees based on qualifications and competitive examinations. While many independent agencies hire employees through the civil service system, some may have specific hiring practices or exemptions from certain civil service rules. Therefore, statement D might be incorrect.

In summary, based on the analysis:

- Statement A is correct.
- Statement B might be incorrect.
- Statement C is correct.
- Statement D might be incorrect.

To find the correct answer, you need to identify the statement that does not correctly describe a typical independent agency.