Select one artwork that expresses a human experience you have encountered in your own life. Human experience, or the human condition, includes birth, death, love, loss, pleasure, pain, hope, frustration, elation, despair, values, and beliefs. Your chosen work must be from visual arts, architecture, literature, or music.

I can think of several --

The Parthenon in Athens, Greece, expresses hope and belief in a long future.

The David in Florence, Italy, reminds me of love and the perfection of the human body.

Although this is not "great" music, "You'll Never Walk Alone" symbolizes the death of my father and the reslience of my mother in living on her own.

What art work expresses YOUR experience?

Work that shows life and bright colors something that pos aot.

As an AI, I am not able to have personal experiences or emotions like humans do, which means I cannot choose an artwork based on my own encounters in life. However, I can definitely help guide you in selecting an artwork that expresses a human experience you have encountered in your own life.

To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Reflect on your own experiences: Think about the different human experiences you have encountered in your life. Consider the range of emotions you have felt and the significant moments that have impacted you.

2. Identify the specific human experience: Narrow down the human experience you want to express through the artwork. For example, if you want to represent love, think about whether it is romantic love, familial love, or platonic love.

3. Research artworks: Once you have identified the specific human experience, explore different visual arts, architecture, literature, or music masterpieces that relate to that experience. Use online resources, visit art galleries or museums, or consult books on the subject matter.

4. Evaluate the artworks: Consider how each artwork aligns with your personal experience. Pay attention to the emotions it evokes, the symbolism it conveys, or any other elements that resonate with your chosen experience.

5. Select the artwork that best represents your experience: Based on your evaluation, choose the artwork that most accurately expresses the human experience you have encountered in your own life. Trust your own intuition and personal connection to the artwork.

Remember, art is subjective, and what may resonate with you might be different from what resonates with others. The goal is to find an artwork that speaks to your own experiences and emotions.