What is the outer edge of a cheek cell called? please urgent homework due tommorow

The outer edge of a cheek cell is called the cell membrane or plasma membrane.

The outer edge of a cheek cell is called the cell membrane or plasma membrane. It is the outermost barrier that surrounds and protects the cell, controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
1. Research or review the structure and function of a cheek cell: Start by understanding the basic parts of a cell, including the cell membrane.
2. Locate reputable sources: Consult textbooks, encyclopedias, or reliable websites that provide information on cell anatomy.
3. Study cell diagrams: Look for diagrams or illustrations that depict the structure of a cheek cell. These diagrams often label the parts of the cell, which will include the cell membrane.
4. Cross-reference: Read multiple sources to ensure accuracy and gather a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
5. Summarize the information: Once you gather the necessary details, use your own words to explain the outer edge of a cheek cell is called the cell membrane or plasma membrane.

Remember, it's important not to rely solely on internet sources and to double-check the information with reputable sources before using it for your homework.