what are ice ages?

A)periods of time glaciers receded to cover only the poles.
B)eras during which earths orbit kept the planet far from the sun.
C)periods of time when glaciers covered much of the earth.
D)times when human and animal life thrived in high latitudes.
.I chose letter (C).
When the death rate is higher than birthrate,_________ exists.
A)zero population growth
B)doubling time
C)population density
D)negative population growth
.I chose letter (B).
Every culture creates a social system by:
A)treating each person equally
B)Treating its members as if they had to earn privileges
C)organizing its members into smaller groups
D)organizing its members into one large group
.I chose letter (C).

first and third still correct.

Your first and third answers are correct.

The other answer is wrong. When a society has more deaths than births, it can't be doubling time. Please try again.

For the first question, the correct answer is actually option C) periods of time when glaciers covered much of the earth. Ice ages are geological periods characterized by lower temperatures on Earth, causing the expansion of ice sheets and glaciers. These cold periods can last for millions of years and result in widespread glaciation, where large portions of the Earth's surface are covered with ice.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A) and B) as incorrect. Option A) incorrectly states that glaciers receded to only cover the poles, which does not capture the extent of glaciation during ice ages. Option B) is also incorrect as it portrays the Earth's orbit as the primary cause of ice ages, which is not the case. Finally, option D) is incorrect as it states that ice ages are times when human and animal life thrived in high latitudes, which is not necessarily true.

For the second question, the correct answer is actually option D) negative population growth. When the death rate is higher than the birthrate, it leads to a decline in the population size over time, resulting in negative population growth.

To determine this answer, you can eliminate options A) zero population growth and C) population density as incorrect. Option A) refers to a scenario where the birthrate and death rate are equal, resulting in a stable population size. Option C) refers to the number of individuals per unit area, which is unrelated to the specific scenario described in the question. Option B) doubling time is not applicable in this situation as it refers to the time it takes for a population to double in size, which is not relevant to a decline in population size.

For the third question, the correct answer is option C) organizing its members into smaller groups. Every culture creates a social system by organizing its members into smaller groups. These smaller groups could be based on kinship, occupation, social status, or other factors. This division into smaller groups allows for the development of social roles, interactions, and the functioning of the society as a whole.

To determine this answer, you can eliminate options A) treating each person equally, B) treating its members as if they had to earn privileges, and D) organizing its members into one large group as incorrect. Option A) portrays an egalitarian society, which is not the case in all cultures. Option B) suggests a merit-based system, which not all cultures adhere to. Option D) suggests complete homogeneity, which is unlikely in most societies.