Needing help finding websites about the germany crrectional system for my class on CJS.230?

Here is the assignment in which i will post here. I'm not wanting answers to the assignment, just needing help find creditable web sites on the Germany correctional system. I have to have 3 websites for this assignment. So that i many finish my homework that's due today 8-2-09 by midnight pacific time. I have been researching for the sites for about a week and i have found 1 or 2 sites already. So if you are able to help i would really be grateful. Thank So much have a great summer!

· Pick a country (outside of the United States) and research its correctional system.
· Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in APA format comparing the American correctional
system with that of a foreign country.
o Compare the correctional system of the foreign country you chose with the American
correctional system in terms of:
· Type of system/institutions
· Management
· Population/privatization
· Security levels (if applicable)
· Prison life
· An important reformation-type amendment that significantly changed the rights of
the prisoners (similar to the Eighth Amendment or Section 1983 reform)
· Viewpoint on rehabilitation and programs (if any)
· One type of parole system
· View on probation and community corrections
o Discuss your opinion of the foreign country’s correctional system as compared to that
of the United States.
· Explain your thoughts on whether any aspects of the United States’ correctional
system should be adopted or perhaps changed to reflect aspects of the foreign
country’s correctional system.
· Decide the more effective correctional system, the foreign country’s system or
the United States’ system.
· Explain your rationale.
· Cite at least three outside references to support your research and rationale.

Have you checked these sites?

ty for the sites but how would i site this site in Apa format, could you apa format it for me, because i'm still learning how to do it with out a auther present on the web page. here is the link because i only see a publish date on the web site you listed called country data . com

Note the source of the country data at the bottom of this page.

Ty that was very helpful, i have seen you around since i have been using this site, your very helpful person. Have a great rest of the summer.

You're welcome, Tina -- and thanks for the compliment. Hope the rest of your summer is fun and relaxing.

To find credible websites on the Germany correctional system for your class assignment, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to search for terms like "Germany correctional system" or "prisons in Germany." This will give you a list of websites related to the topic.

2. Look for websites that are reputable and provide information from reliable sources. Government websites, academic institutions, and well-established organizations in the field of criminal justice are good places to start. Look for URLs that end in .gov, .edu, or .org, as these tend to be more trustworthy.

3. Evaluate the credibility of the websites you find. Look for information about the author or organization providing the information, their qualifications, and any citations or references provided. Check if the website is regularly updated and maintained.

4. Here are three websites that could be helpful for your research on the Germany correctional system:

- The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection of Germany ( This official government website provides information about the German correctional system, including laws, regulations, and statistics.

- The European Prison Observatory ( This website provides an overview of prisons in Europe, including Germany. It offers statistics, reports, and comparative data on various aspects of the correctional system.

- The German Institute for Human Rights ( This organization focuses on human rights in Germany, including issues related to prisons and detainees. Their publications and reports may provide valuable insights into the German correctional system.

Remember to properly cite the information you use from these websites and any others you find, following APA format guidelines. Good luck with your assignment!