If a sample of size 30 is selected, the value of A for the probability p(t¡Ý A)= 0.01 is?

What is A? What does p(t¡Ý A) mean?

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To find the value of A for the given probability, you need to refer to the t-distribution table. The t-distribution is a probability distribution that is used to analyze small sample sizes and perform hypothesis tests.

To use the t-distribution table, you will need two pieces of information: the degrees of freedom (df) and the desired level of significance (α), which corresponds to the probability.

In this case, the degrees of freedom (df) is equal to the sample size (n) minus 1. So, since the sample size is 30, the degrees of freedom will be 30 - 1 = 29.

The probability p(t ≥ A) = 0.01 represents the area in the tail of the t-distribution. To find the corresponding value of A, you need to locate the closest probability value in the table that is less than 0.01 in the right column. Then, you need to find the corresponding t-value in the left column.

Keep in mind that the table may be different depending on the specific degrees of freedom and level of significance you are using. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the t-distribution table:

1. Look for the column in the table that represents the level of significance (α) closest to 0.01. This column will contain the critical values (t-values) for the given probability.

2. Scan the row of the table that corresponds to the degrees of freedom (df) you calculated. In this case, look for the row that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom.

3. Find the value in the table that is closest to 0.01 in the right column. Note the corresponding t-value in the left column. This t-value will be the value of A for the given probability.

Remember that the t-distribution table provides critical values (t-values) for two-tailed tests. If you are conducting a one-tailed test, divide the significance level (α) by 2 before looking it up in the table.

Please note that without an actual t-distribution table, I cannot provide the specific value of A for the given probability. Make sure to refer to a reliable t-distribution table or use statistical software that can calculate the values accurately.