Consider the following pairs of organisms: large predators and small predators: large herbivores and small herbivores: and migratory animals and non-migratory animals. The two animals most likely to suffer the most from habitat fragmentation are the

A. large predators and migratory animals

B. large herbivores and large predators

C. non-migratory animals and small herbivores

D. migratory animals and large gerbivores

I beleave it to be C

I agree.

thank you

You are correct I am a biology major

thank you very much terri

To determine the two animals most likely to suffer the most from habitat fragmentation among the given pairs, we need to understand the concept of habitat fragmentation and its impact on different organisms.

Habitat fragmentation refers to the process in which a large and continuous habitat is divided into smaller and isolated fragments due to human activities, such as the construction of roads, buildings, or agricultural land. This fragmentation can have serious consequences for wildlife by altering their habitats and limiting their ability to move and access necessary resources.

Looking at the given options:

A. Large predators and migratory animals: Both large predators and migratory animals require large habitats to find sufficient prey or resources. However, while habitat fragmentation can certainly affect their population dynamics and movement, they may have higher mobility and adaptive capabilities, which can mitigate the negative impacts to some extent.

B. Large herbivores and large predators: This option is less likely to be impacted by habitat fragmentation since both large herbivores and predators often require large territories for hunting or finding sufficient food. Fragmentation may restrict their movement, but they are more resilient and can adapt to fragmented habitats to some degree.

C. Non-migratory animals and small herbivores: Non-migratory animals that are not adapted to wide-ranging movements and small herbivores that require a continuous and abundant food supply are more likely to suffer from habitat fragmentation. Fragmentation can isolate these species in small and disconnected pockets of habitat, making them more vulnerable to habitat loss, reduced gene flow, limited resources, and increased competition.

D. Migratory animals and large herbivores: Migratory animals generally have the ability to cover long distances and move between different habitats, allowing them to avoid the negative impacts of habitat fragmentation to some extent. Similarly, large herbivores often require large areas to find sufficient food and can adapt to fragmented habitats.

Considering the above analysis, the two animals most likely to suffer the most from habitat fragmentation are the non-migratory animals and small herbivores. Hence, the correct answer is option C.