Suppose that a newspaper published the following in a

boxed corner of the want ads section:

Should handgun control be abolished? You can call the shots if
you participate in our poll tonight. If yes, call 1-900-For-Guns.
If no, call 1-900-Ban-Guns. You will be charged 50¢ for the
first minute.

Why will the results of this poll be biased?

Put yourself in the shoes of the caller and tell us what you think if you opt for the second choice.

Got it! Thank you!

The results of this poll will likely be biased for several reasons:

1. Self-selection bias: The poll relies on individuals voluntarily calling in to participate. This means that only people who have a strong opinion on the topic of handgun control are likely to call. Those who are indifferent or do not have a strong opinion may not bother to call. As a result, the poll will not accurately represent the views of the general population, but rather the views of a specific subset of individuals who feel strongly about the topic.

2. Response bias: By providing separate phone numbers for each side of the argument, the poll implicitly creates an environment that encourages polarization. People who support handgun control are more likely to call the number associated with banning guns, while those who oppose it are more likely to call the number associated with supporting gun ownership. This can bias the results towards extreme opinions and limit the representation of moderate or nuanced viewpoints.

3. Financial barrier: The poll charges 50¢ for the first minute, which can discourage some individuals from participating. This financial barrier may disproportionately affect individuals of lower income, who may have weaker access to resources. Therefore, the poll may not accurately represent the views of a diverse population and may skew towards individuals who can afford to pay for their opinion to be heard.

Overall, the combination of self-selection bias, response bias, and the financial barrier creates a situation where the results of this poll may not reflect the broader opinions of the population and are likely to be biased towards more extreme viewpoints.