What is the difference between absolute continuity and differential continuity? Do an individual’s experiences impact differential continuity?

Tonite seems to be the night for Hum 130 questions. We will be happy to critique your thinking. I personally think that rank order ranking is a better name than differential continuity. You can find these easily with a google search.

That's actually not a HUM 130 question. Stop acting like a know it all jack. did you ever think that maybe people have attempted to read the "materials" for these classes and still have no idea what the hell is going on because the texts that are used are useless?


Absolute continuity and differential continuity are two concepts that are often used in the field of psychology to describe patterns of change over time.

Absolute continuity refers to the consistency or stability of a trait or characteristic across different periods of time. It suggests that an individual's behavior, personality, or other psychological attributes remain relatively stable over time. For example, if someone is described as having an absolute continuity in their extroversion, it means that they consistently display extroverted behaviors and tendencies over different periods of their life.

On the other hand, differential continuity refers to the relative consistency or stability of an individual's rank order compared to others in a group over time. It focuses on how an individual's position in a group or population changes over time. For example, if someone has high differential continuity in intelligence, it means that they consistently maintain a high position relative to others in their intelligence scores, even though their absolute level of intelligence might change.

Now, regarding the impact of an individual's experiences on differential continuity, it is important to note that experiences can indeed influence this aspect. Differential continuity is not solely determined by fixed traits or characteristics, but it also takes into account the individual's interactions with their environment and the changes that occur throughout their life. Experiences such as education, social interactions, and personal development can shape an individual's trajectory within a group or population over time.

For example, if someone comes from a disadvantaged background but has access to supportive educational opportunities, their experiences may enhance their cognitive abilities and lead to an upward shift in their differential continuity in intelligence compared to their peers. Similarly, positive or negative life experiences can influence an individual's behaviors, personalities, and other psychological attributes, which in turn can impact their differential continuity.

In summary, absolute continuity refers to the consistency or stability of a trait within an individual over time, while differential continuity refers to the relative consistency or stability of an individual's rank order compared to others in a group over time. Experiences and interactions with the environment can impact an individual's differential continuity by influencing their behaviors, traits, and psychological attributes.